President's Blog

  • 11/03/2022 6:05 PM | Anonymous member

    November is officially upon us, and we are so thankful for each and every one of you! The year is quickly coming to a close, but we still have lots of exciting things coming up. Please be sure to vote in our upcoming Board Elections. We have one last chapter meeting in November and then our Holiday Social in December. At the Holiday Social we will be announcing the winners of the HR Professional Awards and the Workplace Excellence Awards.

    The December Holiday Social will be held on Tuesday, December 6th from 3pm -6pm. We are seeking donations of baskets for our Charity Fundraiser and sponsors for the event. If you’re interested in either opportunity, reach out to Julia Disburg.

    Thank you so much to everyone who helped us select the charity we will be raising funds for at our December Holiday Social. We are excited to announce that we will be raising funds for the Ronald McDonald House Charities – South Dakota!

    Be on the lookout for additional exciting announcements about the Holiday Social coming soon!


  • 10/05/2022 7:35 PM | Anonymous member

    Hello Members!

    Can you believe it’s October already? All things pumpkin, football, and Halloween are in full swing. October also means a kickoff to open enrollment, budget planning, and year-end processes for most of the members of our chapter. 

    For SESHRM, October is bringing opportunities for you to recognize your fellow HR peers for the HR Professional of the Year awards. It’s also time to nominate your employers for a Workplace Excellence Award! We are also winding down to the last few days to reach out to Julia Disburg to place your name on the ballot for one of our board positions! Lastly, October kicks off our membership renewal season!  Be sure to renew your membership by 12/31/2022 to be able to attend the January Half Day Workshop for FREE!

    Be sure to watch for more announcements coming soon for our upcoming Board Elections and our December Social Event! The December Social will be held on December 6th from 3pm-5pm!


  • 09/14/2022 10:10 PM | Anonymous member

    Hello SESHRM Members!

    While there may be mixed feelings out there, pumpkin spice is here, fall décor is popping up, football games have kicked off, and our mornings are starting out a bit cooler! With fall comes lots of exciting things for our chapter! Coming this fall, we will have Board Elections, membership renewals, nominations for Workplace Excellence of the Year and HR Professional of the Year Awards, our Student Chapter will begin meeting again, and USF will be hosting another SHRM Certification Prep Course!

    We are so grateful for our members and the talents each and everyone of you have. Please consider getting involved where you have a passion. Watch out for exciting announcements regarding our HR Professional of the Year and Workplace Excellence Awards – then consider who you could nominate in the respective categories. Nominating takes a little thought, but not a lot of time and the value of that recognition pays dividends to that HR Professional or that employer.

    If you have a passion for getting involved in the next generation of HR Professionals, reach out to Kassie Van Wyk and ask how you could give a presentation at a Student Chapter Meeting, provide an internship or job shadow opportunity for a student, or consider mentoring!

    Lastly, please be sure to refer to the Sept 9th email regarding the membership renewals for 2023. Renewals will open October 1st. Our Membership Rates are increasing for the first time since 2013. We are looking forward to a busy fall within the chapter. Don’t forget in December we will come together to celebrate each other and another amazing year!


  • 08/11/2022 9:02 PM | Anonymous member

    Hello All!

    August is here! Summer is winding down, kids are getting ready to go back to school, and cooler mornings are becoming more often. While very few are wishing summer away, fall is quickly approaching. That means lots of exciting things coming up for SESHRM!

    We have some great programs coming up this fall with monthly sponsors as well.  Thank you to the Sioux Falls Development Foundation and WIN Summit teams in sponsoring our August meeting! If your company is interested in sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to me with questions.

    This fall will also be our SESHRM Board Elections. We are looking for volunteers for our President-Elect, Programs Co-Chair Director, Legislative Director, Student Chapter Director, and Workforce/Diversity Director roles. If you are interested, please reach out to Julia Disburg!

    Also, this fall, we will have our Workplace Excellence and HR Professional of the Year awards. We are planning to switch these up a bit this year, so watch for more information coming out soon!


  • 07/13/2022 9:54 PM | Anonymous member

    Happy July!

    How is it that we are already over halfway through 2022 and stores are stocking school supplies already?! I hope everyone is getting opportunities for rest and relaxation this summer and remembering to take time for yourself. So many people depend on us both at work and at home, taking the time for self-care, rest, and relaxation is very important.

    We are excited for two great events this month focused on hiring great talent! One of those events is the hands-on workshop on July 26th. Spots were limited to maintain the ability to have that workshop approach. If you’re unable to attend, please notify us so those on the waitlist may be able to participate in your place. We hope that there will be great value found for all participants and that we will be able to offer more experiences like this in the future.

    Soon you’ll start to see communications from the board on Workplace Excellence Awards, HR Professional of the year, and Board Elections. Please start thinking about nominating your company and who you want to recognize for HR Professional this year. These are amazing recognition opportunities. Joining the board is a phenomenal opportunity for development and networking. Please reach out to Julie Disburg with questions on board elections!        


  • 06/16/2022 7:46 PM | Anonymous member

    Hello Everyone!

    I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and finding opportunities for self-care and relaxation! I’m excited to announce that SESHRM earned the 2021 Platinum Excel Award! This award recognizes accomplishments and strategic initiatives that elevate the HR profession, ultimately creating workplaces where employers and employees can thrive together!

    Our Programs Co-Directors and Committee is putting the finishing touches on the programing for the remainder of 2022. Be prepared for some great speakers and topics! Thank you to everyone who provides us with the great content every month!

    We’re especially excited about the hands-on workshop coming up in July to focus on the workforce shortage. The team leading that initiative has put a lot of hours into creating this experience for our members. We hope that there will be great value found for all participants and that we will be able to offer more experiences like this in the future.

    Lastly, congratulations to the SoDak State SHRM for earning the 2021 Platinum Excel Award! This is the highest award bestowed upon a State Council by SHRM. This award recognizes outstanding achievements in Chapter/State Council operations and a commitment to providing meaningful programs and services to their members/HR professionals in our State. It also is recognition of their continued growth and development as a business leader, capable of developing strategies that lead to business success! 


  • 05/12/2022 11:37 PM | Anonymous member

    Happy May Everyone! 

    I was fortunate to be able to attend the SD State SHRM Conference earlier this month and listen to SHRM CEO, Johnny C. Taylor Jr. open the conference! If you ever get the opportunity to hear him speak, take it! He was very engaging and entertaining. He gave all attendees an extra boost of motivation and renewed our passion for our profession. My favorite quote that he shared was, “HR”s job is to rid the world of poor employee experiences.” That one resonated well with me and I feel it is reflective of all HR professionals no matter your area of focus. I hope each one of our members know their value to the profession, to your teams, and to your employers. Be sure to take the time for your own professional development by attending our monthly chapter meetings, participating in the mentor program, or consider volunteering to serve on a SESHRM Committee or a Board Position.

    Speaking of board members, we are excited to welcome Stephanie Keizer and Maggie Garry to the SESHRM Board! Stephanie is serving as our Conference Director and Maggie is our new Legislative Director. Thank you to Alex Clark for all he’s done with SESHRM over the last few years and most recently as our Legislative Director. We wish he and his family the best of luck in their new adventures in Minnesota!


  • 04/14/2022 7:47 PM | Anonymous member

    Somehow it is April already, but that also means Spring is here and more of the spring weather should be following soon! Speaking of Spring, a BIG shout out to all of the members of the Conference Committee that put on a wonderful Spring Conference. Jennifer McClure and Ali Payne were fabulous! 

    The SESHRM board has been busy coming up with ways to engage with our members more. We hope that each of you find something that fits you – if you don’t please reach out to one of us with your ideas that we can incorporate in the future. A simple engagement opportunity includes posting/responding to other members via our social media channels including, Slack, LinkedIn, and Facebook.  Upcoming opportunities include being a mentor or mentee as part of our SESHRM Mentor Program. Reach out to Kassie Van Wyk for additional information. Another great opportunity is to join our board. In another article you’ll see specifics on the Conference Director spot that we are looking to fill now. Early this fall you’ll see more about the positions that will be coming available at the end of the year. Reach out to Julia Disburg for more information on how to join our board.

    Other opportunities to watch for in the future include Certification Scholarships, Award Nominations, Member Resource Groups, Committees (Programs, Salary Survey, Conference, etc.), Conference Registration Drawings, and more. 

    On behalf of the board, we look forward to engaging with you soon!  Happy Spring to all!


  • 03/10/2022 4:41 PM | Anonymous member

    My daughter (6 years old) has been looking forward to March because that means spring is here. She was a bit disappointed to have it snow, but still made the best of it and was soaking up the sun while laying in the snow. I think we can all agree with her that we are excited for Spring to officially be here! Spring means more sunshine, warmer temperatures, and grass and flowers growing! Speaking of spring and growing - Be sure to GROW WITH US on March 15th to hear from Jennifer McClure and Ali Payne about Succession Planning and Talent Retention! This year’s Spring Conference is sure to give us tips and tricks to grow our retention plans in this dynamic talent market. 

    May 4th – 6th is the SoDak SHRM State Conference in Watertown. Registration is now open! We will also be giving away TWO registrations to the state conference during the Spring Conference. 

    Another way to grow yourself this month is to submit your application for the National SHRM Conference Scholarship! We are giving away TWO this year! The deadline is March 11th so don’t delay!

    Be on the look out for more ways to grow your network, career, and resources throughout the year! We have exciting things to come around Programming, Mentoring, and more.

  • 02/11/2022 8:58 PM | Anonymous member

    Hello Everyone!

    Wow that first month of 2022 flew by!  A big thank you to the Programs Co-Directors and Committee for our January speaker, Scott Welle. What a great way to start the year and focus on goal setting! Thank you all for sticking with us, virtually and in-person as we adjusted to our new facility in January.  We appreciate all the feedback you’ve shared with us! Please be sure to complete the surveys each month after each event. Our vision is, “To create a learning and networking environment that will inspire and develop Human Resources Professionals”. Your feedback helps us in aspiring to meet that vision. 

    This month, our Member Resource Groups (MRGs) are kicking off. Thank you to all the Advisors, Facilitators, and Participants. We are excited to offer this extra benefit to our members. Also, this month watch for more information about our upcoming Spring Conference!  Be sure to follow us on your favorite social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter) to see updates!

    We are excited to see you all on February 15th for our February Chapter meeting:  Building your Brand!


Sioux Empire SHRM is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. | PO Box 1302 | Sioux Falls, SD 57101 | Chapter #217

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