Kudos to all of you that volunteered and/or attended the SD State SHRM Conference in Yankton last week! What a great experience! It was nice to see some familiar faces and meet some new connections as well. The conference had a wide variety of HR related topics. My personal favorite was the session held by Julie Younkin, Decoding Emotional Intelligence. She outlined what it takes to be an emotionally intelligent leader:
- Develop genuine curiosity
- Be more curious about others than yourself.
- When you listen, you are able to ask better questions and foster a more meaningful relationship.
- Give grace! Continue hold accountable but come from a place of understanding.
- Genuinely and intentionally find something you like about someone and compliment them.
Julie was engaging, relatable and presented information that was actionable in the workplace. Great Session!
Monique Vanden Heuvel, President Elect, is working with the Salary Survey Committee to ensure we are offering some valuable salary information in a continued tight labor market. Thomas Cummins from Gallagher Consulting has sent out the link to participate in the survey. By participating, you are able to receive the results at no cost. The deadline to submit your information is May 31st. We look forward to receiving all of your submittals and hope the results will be available for distribution by September!
In addition, Gallagher Consulting will be our May speaker on the latest compensation trends and their impact on our organizations. Timely, as the labor market continues to be increasingly challenging for all industries.
I look forward to seeing you at next week’s meeting and wish all of you a Happy May!
Julia Disburg, SHRM-CP, PHR
SESHRM Chapter President